Sunday, May 20, 2012

Welcome to Our Garden

Hello fellow gardeners, and welcome to our Blog! Everything from updates, gardening tips, forms and more will be posted here for your convenience. Please check back regularly to stay up to date with our community garden’s progress.
Our progress with the garden
Currently we are trying to pull together all of the information community members will need to participate. As soon as this information is set in stone it will be posted under the Getting Started tab.

We are looking to businesses in our community for support and would like to give many thanks to the following:
-The Kiwanis - $1000
-Dutch Heritage Gardens - Soil and Plants
-Marilyn and Richard Vap - Shed

Our Goals
1. Remove Sod
2. Install Spigots and Locks
3. Make Pathways
4. Put up Fencing
5. Organic Soil Delievered
6. Planting

The Rock Church in the Meadows has plants and seeds for purchase.