Welcome to the 2020 Gardening Season
The Community Garden is a community-based and volunteer-run project located at Glovers Park, 534 S. Gilbert St. It was first approved by Town Council in 2012 and is currently supported by the Parks and Recreation Department.
Residents can lease one of the 23 available plots for the season. Only one plot is granted per household, and plot applications are approved on a first-come, first-served basis. Most plots are 5 feet by 8 feet and can be leased for $40 a season.
Applications can be found on the "Getting Started' section on this blog.
Please note, water at the Community Garden will be turned on Monday, April 15, weather permitting.
Throughout the growing season, gardeners may keep whatever they grow. However, participants are encouraged to donate some of their produce to the Help and Hope Center.
You can call or text me with any questions: Jackie - (303) 884-8947
Thank you!